Nutrients in Beef, Australian, imported, grass-fed, seam fat, raw

Beef Products

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Amount of nutrients in 100 g (grams) of Beef, Australian, imported, grass-fed, seam fat, raw.

NutrientAmount and UnitPercentage
Water Water 31.2 g 31.2%
Energy (calorie) Energy (calorie) 562 kcal
Energy (joule) Energy (joule) 2352 kJ
Protein Protein 9.58 g 9.58%
Total lipid (fat) Total lipid (fat) 57.73 g 57.73%
Ash Ash 0.44 g 0.44%
Carbohydrate, by difference Carbohydrate, by difference 1.06 g 1.06%
Fiber, total dietary Fiber, total dietary 0 g
Sugars, total Sugars, total 0 g
Sucrose Sucrose 0 g
Glucose (dextrose) Glucose (dextrose) 0 g
Fructose Fructose 0 g
Lactose Lactose 0 g
Maltose Maltose 0 g
Galactose Galactose 0 g
Calcium, Ca Calcium, Ca 3 mg
Iron, Fe Iron, Fe 0.89 mg
Sodium, Na Sodium, Na 34 mg 0.03%
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0 mg
Vitamin A, RAE Vitamin A, RAE 36 µg
Retinol Retinol 36 µg
Vitamin A, IU Vitamin A, IU 120 IU
Fatty acids, total saturated Fatty acids, total saturated 26.584 g 26.58%
10:0 decanoic, capric fatty acid 10:0 decanoic, capric fatty acid 0.033 g 0.03%
12:0 dodecanoic, lauric fatty acid 12:0 dodecanoic, lauric fatty acid 0.049 g 0.05%
14:0 tetradecanoic, myristic, common saturated fatty acid 14:0 tetradecanoic, myristic, common saturated fatty acid 1.866 g 1.87%
15:0 monounsaturated fatty acid 15:0 monounsaturated fatty acid 0.362 g 0.36%
16:0 hexadecanoic, palmitic fatty acid 16:0 hexadecanoic, palmitic fatty acid 13.715 g 13.72%
17:0 heptadecanoic, margaric fatty acid 17:0 heptadecanoic, margaric fatty acid 0.762 g 0.76%
18:0 octadecanoic, stearic fatty acid 18:0 octadecanoic, stearic fatty acid 9.61 g 9.61%
20:0 eicosanoic, arachidic fatty acid 20:0 eicosanoic, arachidic fatty acid 0.124 g 0.12%
22:0 saturated fatty acid 22:0 saturated fatty acid 0.052 g 0.05%
24:0 saturated fatty acids 24:0 saturated fatty acids 0.011 g 0.01%
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 22.93 g 22.93%
14:1 monounsaturated fatty acid 14:1 monounsaturated fatty acid 0.412 g 0.41%
16:1 undifferentiated, hexadecenoic, palmitoleic 16:1 undifferentiated, hexadecenoic, palmitoleic 1.558 g 1.56%
18:1 undifferentiated 18:1 undifferentiated 20.881 g 20.88%
18:1 cis 18:1 cis 18.474 g 18.47%
18:1 trans 18:1 trans 2.407 g 2.41%
18:1-11 t (18:1t n-7) 18:1-11 t (18:1t n-7) 1.987 g 1.99%
20:1 eicosenoic, gadoleic 20:1 eicosenoic, gadoleic 0.078 g 0.08%
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 1.552 g 1.55%
18:2 undifferentiated 18:2 undifferentiated 1.116 g 1.12%
18:2 n-6 c,c 18:2 n-6 c,c 0.424 g 0.42%
18:2 t not further defined 18:2 t not further defined 0.691 g 0.69%
18:3 undifferentiated, octadecatrienoic, linolenic 18:3 undifferentiated, octadecatrienoic, linolenic 0.315 g 0.32%
18:3 n-3 c,c,c (ALA) 18:3 n-3 c,c,c (ALA) 0.205 g 0.20%
18:3i 18:3i 0.11 g 0.11%
18:4 octadecatetraenoic, parinaric 18:4 octadecatetraenoic, parinaric 0.021 g 0.02%
20:2 n-6 c,c 20:2 n-6 c,c 0.007 g 0.01%
20:3 undifferentiated 20:3 undifferentiated 0.009 g 0.01%
20:4 undifferentiated, eicosatetraenoic, arachidonic 20:4 undifferentiated, eicosatetraenoic, arachidonic 0.022 g 0.02%
20:5 n-3 (EPA) 20:5 n-3 (EPA) 0.012 g 0.01%
22:5 ω-3, n-3 docosapentaenoic (DPA), clupanodonic 22:5 ω-3, n-3 docosapentaenoic (DPA), clupanodonic 0.049 g 0.05%
Fatty acids, total trans Fatty acids, total trans 3.209 g 3.21%
Fatty acids, total trans-monoenoic Fatty acids, total trans-monoenoic 2.407 g 2.41%
Fatty acids, total trans-polyenoic Fatty acids, total trans-polyenoic 0.801 g 0.80%
Cholesterol Cholesterol 65 mg 0.06%